The Work and Person of the Antichrist


This volume is the fifth book of Pastor Nathaniel Haney’s series in eschatology. This book deals with the ANTICHRIST, looking at who he is during his short rise and fall from power during the Tribulation. As far back as the first-century church, the subject and person of the Antichrist have fascinated both the saved and unsaved alike. What the Bible truly teaches about him, compared to what many people say about him, can have little resemblance to the future prince that is coming. In this volume, Pastor Haney separates truth from fiction, drawing a clear picture from the Scriptures as to what the Bible teaches about the coming man of sin. With all these things at hand, may the prayer of each reader be, even so, Lord Jesus come quickly!
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The Times of the Gentiles


This Volume IV deals with the Abrahamic Covenant, Israel’s spiritual adultery, and the purpose of The Times of the Gentiles. It is in orderly sequence to Daniel’s 70 Weeks, A Mystery No More (The Church Age), and The Rapture of the Church. These earlier volumes lay the groundwork for the study of this book, which allows us to understand the role of Israel in world events, the purpose of Gentile governments, and our position as the Church during this time. May God’s Spirit rest upon every heart with revelation as you read of God’s blueprint for the human race.
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The Rapture of the Church


n this Volume III of his study of eschatology, Pastor Nathaniel Haney takes on the subject, The Rapture of the Church. He deals with the reasons why the church must be removed from Earth before the 70th Week of Daniel’s Prophecy can begin. Various Scriptures have been incorrectly used to teach on the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Christ, which are two separate events. This has caused confusion as to the proper sequence of these prophecies. With simplicity, Pastor Haney helps his readers clearly see and understand the correct order in which these events will take place.
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A Mystery No More


In this Volume II of the series of studies in eschatology, again Pastor Haney takes a complex study and, in his unique way, brings it into focus with simplicity and understanding. “A Mystery No More” looks at the church from its conception at Pentecost until its glorious catching away that God designed to fit perfectly between the 69th week and the 70th week in Daniel’s famous prophecy.
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Daniel’s 70 Weeks


In Volume I of a series of studies in eschatology, Pastor Haney clearly brings to light one of the most famous prophecies of all time – Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, as recorded in the Book of Daniel 9:24-27.
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Prophetical Research


One of Clyde J. Haney’s great burdens was to rightly divide the Word of Truth by the proper interpretation of Scripture. He faithfully taught Eschatology until his untimely death in October of 1971. In this book are the original notes from which he taught hundreds of students in the Bible College over the years.
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